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2023-04-05 13:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


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A simple command-line HTTP server.

It launches a server in the current working directory and serves all files in it.

Get started

Install .NET 5 or newer and run this command:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-serve

Start a simple server and open the browser by running

dotnet serve -o

..and with HTTPS.

dotnet serve -o -S Usage Usage: dotnet serve [options] Options: --version Show version information. -d|--directory The root directory to serve. [Current directory] -o|--open-browser Open a web browser when the server starts. [false] -p|--port Port to use [8080]. Use 0 for a dynamic port. -a|--address Address to use [] --path-base The base URL path of postpended to the site url. --reverse-proxy Map a path pattern to another url. Expected format is =. SOURCE_PATH_PATTERN uses ASP.NET routing syntax. Use {**all} to match anything. --default-extensions[:] A comma-delimited list of extensions to use when no extension is provided in the URL. [.html,.htm] -q|--quiet Show less console output. -v|--verbose Show more console output. -h|--headers A header to return with all file/directory responses. e.g. -h "X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block" -S|--tls Enable TLS (HTTPS) --cert A PEM encoded certificate file to use for HTTPS connections. Defaults to file in current directory named 'cert.pem' --key A PEM encoded private key to use for HTTPS connections. Defaults to file in current directory named 'private.key' --pfx A PKCS#12 certificate file to use for HTTPS connections. Defaults to file in current directory named 'cert.pfx' --pfx-pwd The password to open the certificate file. (Optional) -m|--mime Add a mapping from file extension to MIME type. Empty MIME removes a mapping. Expected format is =. -z|--gzip Enable gzip compression -b|--brotli Enable brotli compression -c|--cors Enable CORS (It will enable CORS for all origin and all methods) --save-options Save specified options to .netconfig for subsequent runs. --config-file Use the given .netconfig file. --fallback-file The path to a file which is served for requests that do not match known file names. This is commonly used for single-page web applications. -?|--help Show help information.

Tip: single letters for options can be combined. Example: dotnet serve -Sozq

Configuring HTTPS

dotnet serve -S will serve requests over HTTPS. By default, it will attempt to find an appropriate certificate on the machine.

By default, dotnet serve will look for, in order:

A pair of files named cert.pem and private.key in the current directory A file named cert.pfx in the current directory The ASP.NET Core Developer Certificate (localhost only)

You can also manually specify certificates as command line options (see below):

See also this doc for how to create a self-signed HTTPS certificate.

.pem files

Use this when you have your certficate and private key stored in separate files (PEM encoded).

dotnet serve --cert ./cert.pem --key ./private.pem

Note: currently only RSA private keys are supported.

.pfx file

You can generate a self-signed

Use this when you have your certficate as a .pfx/.p12 file (PKCS#12 format).

dotnet serve --pfx myCert.pfx --pfx-pwd certPass123 Using the ASP.NET Core Developer Certificate

The developer certificate is automatically created the first time you use dotnet. When serving on 'localhost', dotnet-serve will discover and use when you run:

dotnet serve -S Reverse Proxy

dotnet-serve --reverse-proxy /api/{**all}=http://localhost:5000 will proxy all requests matching /api/* to http://localhost:5000/api/*.

The source path pattern uses ASP.NET routing syntax. See the ASP.NET docs for more info.

Multiple --reverse-proxy directives can be defined.

Reusing options with .netconfig

dotnet-serve supports reading and saving options using dotnet-config, which provides hierarchical inherited configuration for any .NET tool. This means you can save your frequently used options to .netconfig so you don't need to specify them every time and for every folder you serve across your machine.

To save the options used in a particular run to the current directory's .netconfig, just append --save-options:

dotnet serve -p 8080 --gzip --cors --quiet --save-options

After running that command, a new .netconfig will be created (if there isn't one already there) with the following section for dotnet-serve:

[serve] port = 8000 quiet gzip cors header = X-My-Option: foo header = X-Another: bar

(note multiple header, mime type mappings and exclude-file entries can be provided as individual variables)

You can place those settings in any parent folder and it will be reused across all descendent folders, or they can also be saved to the global (user profile) or system locations. To easily configure these options at those levels, use the dotnet-config tool itself:

dotnet config --global --set serve.port 8000

This will default the port to 8000 whenever a port is not specified in the command line. You can open the saved .netconfig at %USERPROFILE%\.netconfig or ~/.netconfig.

The cert, key and pfx values, in particular, can be relative paths that are resolved relative to the location of the declaring .netconfig file, which can be very convenient.


@ansariabr: add support for a --cors options which can be used to enable CORS and OPTIONS requests (#45) .NETCoreApp 2.1: .NETCoreApp 3.0: Signature validation information Informational Signature Hash Algorithm: SHA256 Timestamp: 3/14/2020 5:41:39 PM Verifying author primary signature's timestamp with timestamping service certificate: Subject Name: CN=TIMESTAMP-SHA256-2019-10-15, O="DigiCert, Inc.", C=US SHA1 hash: 0325BD505EDA96302DC22F4FA01E4C28BE2834C5 SHA256 hash: 481F4373272D98586C5364B6C115E82425675AEBFD9FACF7ADC464FA2FFFB8F0 Issued by: CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Timestamping CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US Valid from: 10/1/2019 12:00:00 AM to 10/17/2030 12:00:00 AM Signature type: Author Verifying the author primary signature with certificate: Subject Name: CN=Nathan McMaster, O=Nathan McMaster, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US SHA1 hash: 43BEB98AA1E8C9EC89B3930C59FF34173044A3B8 SHA256 hash: BC51EBF05EB96010FF3EEED195DE3EC028884A5B4DD9EABF233A16E048401878 Issued by: CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US Valid from: 6/7/2019 12:00:00 AM to 6/9/2020 12:00:00 PM




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